Welcome to BEing, hosted by Bethany Evans and Erin Prewitt, where we are making podcasts come alive through what we call “experiential podcasting”. Each episode we will provide our listeners with new, valuable content through our own experiences that you can then actually practice, integrate, and/or learn about to apply in your own life. It is our commitment to offer inspiring, insightful content that awakens your mind, body and spirit as a transformative experience.

Wednesday May 26, 2021
EPISODE 40: Breaking the Shame: Why Women Cloak & How to Uncloak
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
We are so excited to welcome you to the fortieth episode!
BEing is where we are making podcasts come alive through what we call “experiential podcasting”. Each episode we will provide our listeners with new, valuable content through our own experiences that you can then practice, integrate, and learn about to apply in your own life. It is our commitment to offer inspiring, insightful content that awakens your mind, body and spirit as a transformative experience.
In this episode, Bethany and Erin continue the conversation around breaking the shame in women. This time, they are talking about cloaking. They discuss:
- What cloaking is and why women do it,
- A short history about why women needed to start cloaking their gifts and power,
- What modern day cloaking looks like and the legacy we are leaving for women in the future by uncloaking,
- Tips and practices to support you in uncloaking in your own life, plus much more!
Tune in for the "Intuitive Hits" after episode where Bethany and Erin read Andre, a listener of the podcast!
BEing now has it's own Instagram page! All updates will now be posted here: @beingexperientialpod
Follow them there!
**Where you can follow them beyond here and work with B & E directly:
- Erin Prewitt at www.erinprewitt.com and IG @therealerinprewitt
- Bethany Evans at www.empoweringauthenticity.com and IG @empoweringauthenticity

Wednesday May 19, 2021
EPISODE 39: The Launch of the Wild & Messy Book Club Panel!
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
We are so excited to welcome you to the thirty-ninth episode!
BEing is where we are making podcasts come alive through what we call “experiential podcasting”. Each episode we will provide our listeners with new, valuable content through our own experiences that you can then practice, integrate, and learn about to apply in your own life. It is our commitment to offer inspiring, insightful content that awakens your mind, body and spirit as a transformative experience.
This is the first episode for our second book club series, which we have named the Wild and Messy Panel! We are reading the book "Untamed" by Glennon Doyle, which is a memoir sharing one woman’s journey of un-caging herself from an inauthentic life, social expectations, and her own need to look good and do “the right thing”. It is our hope that each of us has both our own personal and collective awakenings where we can liberate ourselves from our own cages. This group has been invited to be open and honest about their journey of their un-caging. So lets jump in! In this first episode we discuss:
- Where we may feel or have felt caged in our lives and how we got out of it,
- Having our own "oh shit" moments where we decided to blow shit up in our lives and dealing with the aftermath,
- How as women, we may feel caged when it comes to sex,
- How we may be conditioned to look outside of ourselves for the answers as women, plush so much more!
Join our private Facebook group to read along with us and interact with Bethany, Erin and the ladies on the panel: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildandmessybookclub/
**Where you can follow them beyond here and work with them directly:
- Erin Prewitt at www.erinprewitt.com and IG @therealerinprewitt
- Bethany Evans at www.empoweringauthenticity.com and IG @empoweringauthenticity

Wednesday May 12, 2021
INTUITIVE HITS: Bethany & Erin Read for Kait Calico
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Welcome to the "Intuitive Hits" section of our podcast!
After each full episode, we record a mini reading where either Bethany, Erin, or both read each other, our guests, or one of our listeners!
It gives you a chance to experience their gifts in action. To be one of the lucky listeners who gets a free mini reading, follow Bethany and Erin in Instagram: @empoweringauthenticity and @therealerinprewitt to find out how you can be chosen!
In this mini reading, Bethany and Erin read for their guest, Kait Calico!

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
We are so excited to welcome you to the thirty-eighth episode!
BEing is where we are making podcasts come alive through what we call “experiential podcasting”. Each episode we will provide our listeners with new, valuable content through our own experiences that you can then practice, integrate, and learn about to apply in your own life. It is our commitment to offer inspiring, insightful content that awakens your mind, body and spirit as a transformative experience.
In this episode we continue our conversation around breaking the shame in women. Today, we invited Kait Calico to speak to us about the history of women who have been the keepers of ancient wisdom - healers, witches, pirates, fairies and more. We discuss:
- The history of wisdom keepers and healers and how they used to be treated in communities,
- How these powerful women (and men) may have fallen from others' favor in the past and why they were persecuted,
- How we inherit skills from our ancestors,
- The shift we see now as women (and men) reclaim this ancient wisdom and power in modern ways, plus Kait gives us a spiritual detox bath potion to use!
- Get the potion here: Spiritual Detox Bath Potion by Kait Calico
More about Kait:
She is a Wellness Counselor, Evolutionary Astrologer, Reiki Practitioner, and Martial Artist who has been practicing natural witchcraft for over 30 years. She uses her background in anthropology, the occult, psychology, and mental health to provide a safe space for people to explore their deepest selves. Kait lives with her husband, newborn son, and her full family of pets on the sunny central California coast.
To get in touch with Kait, follow her on IG: @kaitcalico
Tune in for the "Intuitive Hits" after episode where Bethany and Erin read for Kait!
**Where you can follow them beyond here and work with them directly:
- Erin Prewitt at www.erinprewitt.com and IG @therealerinprewitt
- Bethany Evans at www.empoweringauthenticity.com and IG @empoweringauthenticity

Wednesday May 05, 2021
EPISODE 37: What is ThetaHealing®? Part 2: Drunk Edition
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
We are so excited to welcome you to the thirty-seventh episode!
BEing is where we are making podcasts come alive through what we call “experiential podcasting”. Each episode we will provide our listeners with new, valuable content through our own experiences that you can then practice, integrate, and learn about to apply in your own life. It is our commitment to offer inspiring, insightful content that awakens your mind, body and spirit as a transformative experience.
This episode is Part 2 where Bethany and Erin along with their girlfriends Debby and Sarah share their experiences during the ThetaHealing® training weekend, after having a few drinks!
Keep that in mind while they discuss:
- How to actually pronounce "Theta" according to Debby,
- What ThetaHealing® is and what each of the ladies is getting out of the training weekend,
- Funny and heartfelt stories about each other, the teacher, and what they're learning,
- Hear Erin yell at Bethany and Debby for being loud during the recording, plus so much more!
If you'd like to experience ThetaHealing® for yourself, contact Bethany or Erin for a session!
You can also see Bethany at The Healing Portal in Ventura every 3rd Wednesday of the month for a mini ThetaHealing® session at 2060 Knoll Drive, Ventura, CA 93003.
**Where you can follow them beyond here and work with them directly:
- Erin Prewitt at www.erinprewitt.com and IG @therealerinprewitt
- Bethany Evans at www.empoweringauthenticity.com and IG @empoweringauthenticity

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
EPISODE 36: Breaking the Shame Around Women's Femstrual Cycles
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
We are so excited to welcome you to the thirty-sixth episode!
BEing is where we are making podcasts come alive through what we call “experiential podcasting”. Each episode we will provide our listeners with new, valuable content through our own experiences that you can then practice, integrate, and learn about to apply in your own life. It is our commitment to offer inspiring, insightful content that awakens your mind, body and spirit as a transformative experience.
Continuing their series around Breaking Shame, especially in women, today Bethany and Erin are talking about the shame women feel about our femstrual cycles and how to empower a new conversation around it.
Both Erin and Bethany have practices to share that have allowed us to love and honor our cycles instead of dread them, and we even have a bit of mystical magic to share around how our menstrual cycles are connected to the moon phases each month!
They discuss:
- What they feel the significance is of speaking more openly about women's bodies and cycles,
- Erin coins the term "Femstration" during the recording and they give suggestion on how we can all change our language to honor women around these topics,
- Their first experiences with bleeding and how they were supported,
- Funny and embarrassing stories related to growing up while they were femstrating,
- Plus a few practices, resources, and tips on how to connect and empower your own femstrual cycle!
**Where you can follow them beyond here and work with them directly:
- Erin Prewitt at www.erinprewitt.com and IG @therealerinprewitt
- Bethany Evans at www.empoweringauthenticity.com and IG @empoweringauthenticity

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
EPISODE 35: What is ThetaHealing®? Part 1: Sober Version
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
We are so excited to welcome you to the thirty-fifth episode!
BEing is where we are making podcasts come alive through what we call “experiential podcasting”. Each episode we will provide our listeners with new, valuable content through our own experiences that you can then practice, integrate, and learn about to apply in your own life. It is our commitment to offer inspiring, insightful content that awakens your mind, body and spirit as a transformative experience.
In this episode we introduce ThetaHealing®! Bethany and Erin recently attended a training with two other women to learn a new healing modality called ThetaHealing® and today, they give you an inside look at how the training went, what it is, and how it works.
In two weeks you will get the flip side view of the class when Bethany and Erin, plus their gal-pals Sarah and Debby recorded an episode together during the weekend, after having a few drinks. They are calling it, Drunk Theta, Part 2! In this sober episode they discuss:
- What ThetaHealing® is, how it works, and what someone might get out of having a session,
- Stories about how Bethany and Erin have used it for themselves, each other, and friends, family and clients,
- Funny stories from the training weekend,
- How they incorporate it into their coaching/healing work and how you can work with them, plus much more!
**Where you can follow them beyond here and work with them directly:
- Erin Prewitt at www.erinprewitt.com and IG @therealerinprewitt
- Bethany Evans at www.empoweringauthenticity.com and IG @empoweringauthenticity

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
INTUITIVE HITS: Bethany & Erin Read for Shawna & Sydney of BILY
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Welcome to the "Intuitive Hits" section of our podcast!
After each full episode, we record a mini reading where either Bethany, Erin, or both read each other, our guests, or one of our listeners!
It gives you a chance to experience their gifts in action. To be one of the lucky listeners who gets a free mini reading, follow Bethany and Erin in Instagram: @empoweringauthenticity and @therealerinprewitt to find out how you can be chosen!
In this mini episode, Bethany and Erin read for their guests Shawna and Sydney of Body I Love You.

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
EPISODE 34: Breaking the Shame with Shawna & Sydney from Body I Love You
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
We are so excited to welcome you to the thirty-fourth episode!
BEing is where we are making podcasts come alive through what we call “experiential podcasting”. Each episode we will provide our listeners with new, valuable content through our own experiences that you can then practice, integrate, and learn about to apply in your own life. It is our commitment to offer inspiring, insightful content that awakens your mind, body and spirit as a transformative experience.
We created this new series called “Breaking the Shame” because after our book club series reading “Pussy: A Reclamation,” it became apparent how so many of us hold deep shame that keep us from living our lives to the fullest. We saw shame of our own bodies, our self-expression, or our own intuitive knowing, to name a few. In order to address this shame head on and empower a change, we decided to talk to some experts in these topics!
In today's episode we talk to Shawna and Sydney who share with us their personal experiences with living in the shameful relationships they had in their own bodies, how they transformed it and now how they support others in doing the same in their program Body I Love You! We dive into:
- What they would magically change for people in their relationships with their bodies,
- Their own personal stories and experiences of how they changed their relationships to their own bodies to that of loving and empowering,
- The societal influences they see are working and not working when it comes to how we love our own bodies,
- Some of the topics they discuss in their program Body I Love You and why they created it,
- Plus a sample exercise for everyone to practice developing a deeper, healthier relationship with our bodies!
From Shawna and Sydney:
"No matter what your physical appearance, adaptability, age or phase you are experiencing, a relationship to your body that is loving, unconditional and sacred is available to you. Are you willing to open up? Are you willing to think differently? Are you willing to finally prioritize yourself? Body, I Love You is the brave space for you."
Visit www.bodyiloveyou.com for more.
Tune in for the "Intuitive Hits" after episode where Bethany and Erin read for Shawna and Sydney!
**Where you can follow them beyond here and work with them directly:
- Erin Prewitt at www.erinprewitt.com and IG @therealerinprewitt
- Bethany Evans at www.empoweringauthenticity.com and IG @empoweringauthenticity

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
INTUITIVE HITS: Bethany & Erin Read Laura, a Listener of the Podcast!
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Welcome to the "Intuitive Hits" section of our podcast!
After each full episode, we record a mini reading where either Bethany, Erin, or both read each other, our guests, or one of our listeners!
It gives you a chance to experience their gifts in action. To be one of the lucky listeners who gets a free mini reading, follow Bethany and Erin in Instagram: @empoweringauthenticity and @therealerinprewitt to find out how you can be chosen!
In this mini reading, Bethany and Erin read for Laura, a listener of the podcast!